A: So glad you asked. Well, for one thing MacNut oil certainly tastes better. But more importantly, the fatty acid profile is much more healthful. The amount of beneficial monounsaturated fats in canola averages around 60% - a far cry from the 85% in MacNut Oil. In addition, canola oil has 23% of the type of omega-6 fatty acids that can lead to inflammatory conditions such as heart disease and arthritis. MacNut Oil on average has just 3% omega 6 fats and they are balanced in an ideal (1:1) ratio with the anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids.
Another reason is that canola oil turns rancid (develops free radicals) quite quickly when heated. So, although canola oil has a smoke point of 400ºF it begins to degrade chemically at much lower temperatures. It also develops trans-fatty acids at a lower heat. In fact, canola oil can sometimes start out with up to 4% trans-fatty acids just because of the way it is processed. Please remember that these trans fats (e.g. in margarine and shortening) are the unhealthiest fats in our diets. In multiple studies, canola oil has been shown to lead to fibrotic lesions of the heart, vitamin E deficiencies, and it seems to retard growth. Probably for that reason, the FDA forbids the use of canola oil in infant formulas. Oh, and the "Super Canola" oil (a genetically-engineered mystery substance) has a higher smoke point, but otherwise the same problems as the regular canola.
Another reason is that canola oil turns rancid (develops free radicals) quite quickly when heated. So, although canola oil has a smoke point of 400ºF it begins to degrade chemically at much lower temperatures. It also develops trans-fatty acids at a lower heat. In fact, canola oil can sometimes start out with up to 4% trans-fatty acids just because of the way it is processed. Please remember that these trans fats (e.g. in margarine and shortening) are the unhealthiest fats in our diets. In multiple studies, canola oil has been shown to lead to fibrotic lesions of the heart, vitamin E deficiencies, and it seems to retard growth. Probably for that reason, the FDA forbids the use of canola oil in infant formulas. Oh, and the "Super Canola" oil (a genetically-engineered mystery substance) has a higher smoke point, but otherwise the same problems as the regular canola.
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